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Australian Currency

The Australian currency unit is the Australian Dollar (AUD). The dollar is a decimal currency system, made up of cents (100 cents equal one dollar). The currency comes in denominations of $100, $50, $20, $10 and $5 notes, and , coins $2, $1, 50¢, 20¢, 10¢, and 5¢. The notes are made of a flexible, durable plastic, and each denomination is a different colour. The one hundred dollar note is green in colour, the fifty dollar note is yellow in colour, the twenty dollar note is red in colour, the ten dollar note is blue, and the five dollar note is a light purple.

The Australian coins sizes are not proportional to their value. The smallest coin in both size and value is the five cent coin. The largest coin in size is the fifty cent coin which has twelve sides. The two dollar coin is a gold coin and smaller in diameter to the one dollar coin. The one dollar coin is also a gold colour, but not as thick as the two dollar coin. The other denominations of coins are the twenty cent and the ten cent pieces. Australia no longer users the 1 cent and 2 cent coins, so all prices advertised are rounded to the nearest five cents at the cashier.

Currency exchange facilities are can be found throughout Perth and the metropolitan area, including the Perth International Airport. The majority of banks in the city center will also exchange currencies and accept traveller's cheques. Some of the larger hotels and resorts also offer currency exchange. The rates will vary from place to place. To get the best rate when exchanging your money, visit one of the city banks or currency exchange centers.

If you intend taking or sending foreign currency to a value of $5000 AUD or more into or out of Australia, by law you must report it to the Australian Customs Service. There is no limit to the amount of currency you can take out or bring into the country, but there are penalties for not reporting it.

Notes used in Australia

$100 $100 note
$50 $50 note
$20 $20 note
$10 $10 note
$5 $5 note

Coins used in Australia

$2 $2 coin
$1 $1 coin
50c 50 cent coin
20c 20 cent coin
10c 10 cent coin
5c 5 cent coin
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